IAPS Honors
Painting detail courtesy of Jeanne Rosier Smith


Master Circle Medallion The IAPS Master Circle was created to honor those artists whose work has been accepted and/or given awards in IAPS Juried Exhibitions. Artists who receive the Master Circle designation may use the letters "IAPS/MC" on resumes, websites, brochures, magazine articles and other media to indicate their membership in the Master Circle.

To receive the Master Circle designation, artists must accrue five (5) points.
Points may be obtained as follows:
  • One point for acceptance into any IAPS Juried Exhibition.

  • One point for any award given by the judge in any IAPS Juried Exhibition.

    • Each recipient of the award receives a three-inch medallion engraved with his or her name and the year the honor was bestowed engraved on the back. The design of the medallion was created by IAPS founder and President Emerita, Urania Christy Tarbet. "It is of a rose with a pastel stick next to it. The rose represents the resurgence of spring, as pastel is in its Renaissance period, and is now being recognized as a wonderful medium after being in the dark for so long. I wanted something very special that had never been done in the art world before, to honor pastel artists whose work was accepted in our exhibitions or awarded prizes. It is important for the recipients to cherish this symbol of excellence. It can be worn at IAPS exhibitions and conventions, and readily identifies IAPS artists who have received one of the most important honors in the pastel world."

      The points which determine the recipients of the medallions given at the Convention are calculated from the fifth point received at or before the fall Webshow prior to the next Convention. Artists who get their fifth point for an acceptance or award in the Convention Juried Exhibit will receive their medallion at the next Convention in two years.
2019 Master Circle Recipients
2019 Recipients of the IAPS Master Circle Award
Only IAPS Juried Exhibitions accrue points; acceptance or awards in a member society's exhibition does not count towards Master Circle or Eminent Pastelist status. Other eligible IAPS competitions have in the past included IAPS Convention Catalogue Cover Contests, the 2009 Calendar competition and the 2011 Poster Competition.

Recipients of the Master Circle Medallion are encouraged to bring it with them to each convention to be worn at the Saturday Night Banquet.


The year in which each artist was awarded the medallion is shown after the name; an asterisk* indicates the artist is deceased.

Olga Abramova (2020)
Jacob Aguiar (2017)
Donna Aldrich (2015)
Tony Allain (2016)
Shirley Anderson (2023)
Nora de Aragon (2005)
Barbara Archer-Baldwin (2022)
Linda Armstrong (2017)
Michele Ashby (2021)
Mary Aslin (2013)
Lyn Asselta (2013)
Christopher Atkinson (2022)
Marla Baggetta (2011)
Brian Bailey (2016)
Thomas Bailey (2021)
Joe Baker (2023)
Willo Balfry (2015)
Lana Ballot (2019)
Gwenneth Barth-White (2016)
Alexandrine Bartlett (2009)
Phil Bates (2011)
Mike Beeman (2015)
Kate Bergquist (2019)
Barbara Berry (2022)
Donna Biggee (2015)
Stephanie Birdsall (2007)
Lora Block (2017)
Stan Bloomfield (2016)
Sarah Blumenschein (2021)
Christine Bodnar (2011)
Yevgenia Bonderava (2023)
Gerald Boyd (2017)
Brenda Boylan (2019)
Peggy Braeutigam (2007)
Evelyn Brody (2021)
Denali Brooke (2022)
Linda Gross Brown (2011)
Margaret Farrell Bruno (2016)
Kris Buck (2021)
Karen Budan (2013)
Sandra Burshell (2013)
Christine Camilleri (2017)
Bill Canright (2011)
Edgar Carabio (2018)
Dotty Carrangi (2022)
Robert Carsten (2013)
Eileen Casey (2013)
Jason Chang (2023)
Ron Chapman (2007)
Vincent Chiaramonte (2022)
Jane Christie (2022)
Tom Christopher (2016)
Jeanne Ciravolo (2015)
Brian Cobble (2023)
Roberta Combs (2015)
Roberta Condon (2021)
Lynda Conley (2019)
Janet A. Cook (2007)
Cynthia Crimmin (2018)
Bre Crowell (2015)
Jeannette Cuevas (2017)
Catherine Cullis (2022)
Lisa Cunningham (2023)
Judith Cutler (2009)
Carol Dallas (2015)
Doug Dawson (2005)
Diana De Santis (2005)
Christine Debrosky (2013)
Elena Degenhardt (2021)
Suzanne deLesseps (2016)
Linda Dellandre (2013)
Keith Demanche (2023)
Elaine Despins (2022)
Lyn Diefenbach (2015)
Frances Dodd (2005)
John Philbin Dolan (2015)
Mary Jo Drueke (2023)
Veronique du Boisrouvray (2023)
Margaret Dyer (2015)
Betty Efferson (2013)
Mandy Ellard (2023)
Susan Ellis (2020)
Janis Lacey Ellison (2015)
Kim Eshelman (2023)
Jennifer Evenhus (2016)
Diane Fechenbach (2015)
Frank Federico (2005) *
Tracy Ference (2019)
Frederick Fielding (2023)
Bethany Fields (2018)
Jeff Fioravanti (2016)
Alan Flattmann (2007)
Terri Ford (2007)
Carl Forslund (2005)
Eileen France (2020)
David Francis (2016)
Julie Freeman (2018)
Michael Freeman (2019)
Julie Friedman (2020)
Robin Frisella (2021)
Ted Fuka (2016)
Claudette Gamache (2011)
Irene Georgopoulou (2016)
Erin Gill (2023)
Adrian Giuliani (2019)
Lisa Gleim (2016)
Suzanne Godbout (2013)
Deana Goldsmith (2023)
J Kay Gordon (2011)
Alejandra Gos (2021)
Cory Goulet (2021)
Jeri Greenberg (2017)
Rob Gregoretti (2019)
Susan Grinels (2013)
Carol Hall (2023)
Kathryn Hall (2011)
Pamela Hamilton (2022)
Cameron Hampton (2007)
Joyce Hanson (2016)
Ray Hassard (2015)
Liz Haywood-Sullivan (2011)
Tom Heflin (2019)
Deborah Henderson (2023)
Sidney Hermel (2005) *
Anne Heywood (2005)
Kathy Hildebrandt (2016)
Jean Hirons (2015)
Marcia Holmes (2011)
Gigi Horr-Liverant (2015)
Bill Hosner (2005)
Cindy House (2016)
Amanda Houston (2018)
Karen Howard (2013)
Gary Huber (2013)
Ruth Hussey (2007)
Katherine Irish (2018)
Karen Israel (2013)
Christine Ivers (2009)
Tatijana Jacenkiw (2011)
Barbara Courtney Jaenicke (2013)
Randye Jensen (2022)
Haihong Jin (2019)
Becky Johnson (2022)
Dave Kaphammer (2018)
Sandra Kavanaugh (2023)
Betsy M Kellum (2019)
Edward Kennedy (2013)
Maureen Keough (2016)
Daniel Keys (2023)
Anne Kindl (2021)
Rita Kirkman (2007)
Casey Klahn (2017)
Helen Kleczynski (2016)
Joe Kluck (2020)
Mike Barret Kolasinski (2015)
Cristine Kossow (2018)
Janis Krendick (2011)
LaDonna Kruger (2022)
Susan Kuznitsky (2019)
Deborah LaFogg-Docherty (2011)
Alice Laputka (2011)
Margaret Larlham (2016)
Cheryl LeClair-Sommer (2013)
Bev Lee (2016)
Shuk Susan Lee (2023)
Judith Leeds (2019)
Nancy Lilly (2021)
Isabelle V. Lim (2015)
Tai Meng Lim (2019)
Patsy Lindamood (2013)
Kim Lordier (2013)
Margi Lucena (2016)
Luana Luconi-Winner (2015)
Richard Lundgren (2007)
Fubao Ma (2021)
Marie Maines (2019)
Joe Mancuso (2021)
Karen Margulis (2015)
Maria Marino (2016)
Heidi Marshall (2022)
Nancy Marshburn (2016)
Renee Marz Mullis (2021)
Jory Mason (2019)
Brenda Mattson (2009)
Glen Maxion (2016)
Andrew McDermott (2013)
Kathleen McDonnell (2021)
Richard McKinley (2015)
Lee McVey (2017)
Nancie King Mertz (2015)
Milton E. Meyer (2005) *
Jacqueline Meyerson (2019)
Dan Michael (2013)
Eve Miller (2020)
Judy Miller (2017)
Karen Miller (2023)
Kelly Milukas (2023)
Clark Mitchell (2022)
Laura Mocnik (2022)
M.L. Moseman (2005)
Elizabeth Mowry (2015) *
Maryann Mullet (2019)
Renee Marz Mullis (2021)
Deborah Quinn Munson (2016)
Paul Murray (2013)
Linda Mutti (2016)
Kathleen Newman (2007)
Barbara Benedetti Newton (2013)
Cuong Nguyen (2011)
Connie Noah (2015)
Nancy Nowak (2015)
Desmond O'Hagan (2005)
Lisa Ober (2013)
Christine Obers (2018)
Ronnie Offen (2016)
Aline Ordman (2016)
Mary Ann Pals (2019)
Janet Patterson (2023)
Matthew Peake (2015)
Carol Peebles (2018)
Charles Peer (2018)
Fabang Pei (2020)
Judy Perry (2020)
Lucy Petrie (2009)
Sangita Phadke (2011)
Alain Picard (2018)
Sergey Pietila (2023)
Corey Pitkin (2020)
John Plishka (2022)
Michele Poirer-Mozzone (2016)
Sylvie Poirson (2022)
Laura Pollak (2020)
Dianna Ponting (2007)
Susan Cone Porges (2022)
Claudia Post (2015)
Jerry Power (2007)
Maggie Price (2011) *
Mark Price (2022)
Diane Rappisi (2016)
Lisa Regopoulos (2019)
Nicola Reif (2022)
Connie Lynn Reilly (2022)
Dennis Rhoades (2015)
Arlene Richman (2018)
Aurelio Rodriguez Lopez (2017)
Donna Rossetti-Bailey (2015)
Gary Rupp (2022)
Cheri Saffro (2018)
Teresa Saia (2019)
Silja Salmistu (2021)
Brian Sauerland (2021)
Marsha Hamby Savage (2015)
Glinda Schafer (2023)
William Schneider (2015)
Janet Schwartz (2019)
Peter Seltzer (2020)
Clauda Seymour (2007)
Halla Shafey (2020)
Hei Shilei (2021)
Gail Sibley (2023)
Loriann Signori (2019)
Nancy Silvia (2021)
Lynn Simon (2021)
Anne Singer (2023)
Colette Odya Smith (2013)
Jeanne Rosier Smith (2015)
Rae Smith (2016)
Terry Smith (2009)
Frederick Somers (2007)
Stan Sperlak (2020)
Maureen D Spinale (2015)
Sarah St. George (2022)
Doreen St. John (2022)
Lisa K. Stauffer (2011)
Debora L Stewart (2015)
Susan Story (2021)
Sally Strand (2011)
Carol Strockwasson (2019)
Anne Strutz (2020)
Otto Sturke (2021)
Patricia Prescott Sueme (2023)
Patricia Suggs (2005)
Mary Lynn Sullivan (2019)
Christine Swann (2015)
Vianna Szabo (2011)
Jeanne Tangney (2018)
Urania Christy Tarbet (2005) *
Vladislav Tatarinov (2022)
Jane McGraw Teubner (2015)
Katrina Thorstensen (2017)
Karen Tighe (2019)
Marie Tippets (2015)
Kari Tirrell (2015)
Jude Tolar (2018)
Sharon Pomales Tousey (2021)
Lorraine Trenholm (2015)
Patricia Tribastone (2011)
Christine Troyer (2022)
Anu Vedagiri (2022)
Gloria Vernon (2019)
Dug Waggoner (2018)
Jill Stefani Wagner (2018)
Anna Wainright (2016)
Janice Wall (2019)
Daggi Wallace (2013)
Kathleen Weil (2023)
Kurt Weiser (2013)
Marie Kash Weltzheimer (2021)
Marlene Wiedenbaum (2022)
Lynne B Wilcox (2019)
Sharon Will (2011)
Tara Will (2017)
Beth Tockey Williams (2021)
Bonnie Williams (2011)
Susan Williamson (2015)
Enid Wood (2020)
Trilby T Wood (2015)
Junhua Xu (2018)
JZ (Jianzhang) Xu (2018)
Donna Yeager (2019)
Qingquan Zhang (2023)
Yang Zhou (2023)

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